Nominations are currently closed. Please check back in advance of our April/May AGM!
Board of Directors Nominations Procedures
Nominations are sought for Directors of the Board of the Invasive Species Council of Metro Vancouver (ISCMV) prior to our AGM. The ISCMV is a non-profit society composed of representatives from stewardship groups, contractors, academic institutions, nurseries, non-profit organizations and all levels of government working to improve the way invasive species are managed in Metro Vancouver.
Duties of the Board of Directors
The Board of Directors provides executive direction to the society. The ISCMV policy & procedures manual provides the direction and responsibilities to the Directors. Terms are 3-years. Directors may serve for more than one term. Directors must be members of the ISCMV and agree to uphold the mandate of the society. Directors are volunteers and provide their time to the Board without financial or material compensation. Directors may be eligible for reimbursement of out-of-pocket mileage, parking and meal expenses involved in attending Board meetings and other ISCMV events. Directors are expected to attend Board meetings (usually held quarterly at locations throughout the region) and the annual spring and fall forums, participate on ISCMV committees and in e-mail discussion and decision-making.
Nomination Procedures
If you are interested in running for a position as Director, please check back in advance of our April/May AGM or contact us to chat with a current staff member or Director.