ISCMV 2023 Spring Forum & AGM

May 11, 2023 from 1:30pm to 4:30pm

ISCMV 2023 Spring Forum & AGM photo

This event has now passed. Speaker slides and links shared during the event are available below.

Please join the ISCMV Board and staff on Thursday, May 11, 2023 for our in-person Spring Forum & Annual General Meeting. We will be meeting at Mabbett Hall, Port Coquitlam Community Centre (2150 Wilson Ave). Connect with other invasive species practitioners in Metro Vancouver and hear presentations on local projects and species of concern!

The following documents will be referenced during the AGM portion of the forum:

  1. Final agenda (with presentation and speaker details)
  2. October 5, 2022 AGM minutes
  3. ISCMV 2022 Annual Report 
  4. Draft 2022-2023 Balance Sheet
  5. Draft Budget 2023-2024
  6. Special Resolution to Amend the ISCMV Constitution (more info below)

Board Nominations

In advance of the 2023 Annual General Meeting, nominations are sought for members of the Board of Directors for the Invasive Species Council of Metro Vancouver for the 2023-2026 term.

For more information, please visit our Nominations Page. The deadline for nominations was May 4, 2023.

Special Resolution

The Board of Directors of the ISCMV hereby gives notice of a special resolution to amend the society’s constitution. The current ISCMV Constitution can be found here. The details and rationale for the resolution can be found here. This resolution will be presented to members to vote on at the AGM. 

Presentations & Resources Shared

Update on spotted lanternfly – The next big invader? Tracy Hueppelsheuser, Entomologist, Plant and Animal Health Branch British Columbia Ministry of Agriculture and Food

Comparison of English holly management methods in Redwood Park, Surrey & FINAL REPORT Jocelyn Herbert, Natural Areas Technician, City of Surrey 

Eco-art with Invasive Plants Grace Nombrado, Communication Coordinator for ISCMV & President of Free the Fern Stewardship Society

The Glenbrook Ravine Restoration Project - A look at public restoration successes, plant diversity, and recommendations for future restoration management Melanie Apps, Prospective Graduate of the Restoration of Natural Systems program, University of Victoria

Atmospheric rivers and river invasions: knotweed population increase in the Chilliwack-Vedder River after the November 2021 floods David R. Clements, Assistant Dean of the Faculty of Natural and Applied Sciences, Trinity Western University