Other Invasive Species

Profiles for a selection of high priority regional invasive species can be found below.

Image Name Description Fact Sheet BMPs

Photo Credit: Alisha Switzer

American Bullfrog

Lithobates catesbeianus

Bullfrogs are voracious, unspecialized predators, eating a variety of prey, including native frog species. Tackling American Bullfrog - July 2023 Best Management Practices for American Bullfrog - August 2021

Photo credit: Bruce Watt, University of Maine, 

European Chafer Beetle

Amphimallon majale

European chaffer beetle larvae can damage turfgrass, lawns, and sports fields. Tackling European Chafer Beetle - August 2021 Best Management Practices for European Chafer Beetle - August 2021

Photo credit: Sean McCann

European Fire Ant

Myrmica rubra

If disturbed, European fire ants will repeatedly sting people, pets and wildlife that come close to their nests. Tackling European Fire Ant - August 2021 Best Management Practices for European Fire Ant - August 2021

Photo credit: Joseph Berger,

Japanese Beetle

Popillia japonica

Japanese beetle is a destructive insect, known for its voracious appetite and ability to quickly defoliate plants, damaging landscapes and reducing crop yields. Tackling Japanese Beetle - October 2023 Best Management Practices for Japanese Beetle - October 2023