Regional Best Management Guides

September 7, 2018

Regional Best Management Guides photo

September 7, 2018

We are pleased to announce that the first 3 of the best management practices (BMPs) that we have been working on for Metro Vancouver are complete (giant hogweed, European fire ant and the knotweeds). All BMPs and accompanying 2-page factsheets are available here.

These BMPs are a series of species-specific guides developed for use by practitioners (e.g., local government staff, crews, project managers, contractors, consultants, developers, stewardship groups, and others who have a role in invasive species management) in the region. Together, these best practices provide a compendium of guidance which has been tested locally by many researchers and operational experts.

BMPs for Himalayan blackberry, European chafer beetle and Scotch broom will be available in fall 2018 (at the same link). We have also just started work on the next phase of BMPs for English ivy, policeman’s helmet/Himalayan balsam, lamium, English holly and parrot’s feather. These are anticipated to be complete in 2019.


Thanks to the Metro Vancouver Regional Invasive Species Subcommittee and project partners DiamondHead Consulting & ISCBC and the many, many contributors and reviewers of these documents.